Customer reviews on the MONSTER-02 Black Platform Boots

  • Rivithead
    MONSTER-02 Black Platform Boots
    MONSTER-02 Black Platform Boots
    Checkout these customer reviews.
  • TomAZ
    Absolutely perfect!
    I wear a size 14.5 and this size 14 was perfect. So I am 6’ 2.75” tall and I have a defiler mask and arms from immortal mask , this mask has horns that stick up an additional 2” So why not put on these babies and make myself 6’ 11” to scare the bejesus out of the tricker-treaters. So that is why I purchased these. SO NOW, how they fit? GOOD AND PERFECT. EASY to put ON, able to walk normal And bring a whole new level of terrifying to my costume ;)
    2 people found this useful.
  • Russ
    Monster boots
    I have enjoyed the boots very much. They are surprising stable and easy to manuever in. My 6' 2" 300 pound frame is now about 6' 9" with these on. It is fun to see the looks I get with these on. Good product, great for Halloween!!!
    2 people found this useful.
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